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scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T > Class Template Reference

Madgwick implements an efficient Orientation estimation for Intertial Measurement Units (IMUs). More...

#include <Madgwick.h>

Public Member Functions

 Madgwick ()
 The Madgwick estimation is initialised with an identity MakeQuaternion.
 Madgwick (scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > sf)
 The Madgwick estimation is initialised with a sensor frame.
 Madgwick (scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > sf)
 Initialise the estimation with a sensor frame MakeQuaternion.
scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > Orientation () const
 Return the current orientation as measured by the estimation.
scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > AngularRate (const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &gyro) const
 Return the estimation's rate of angular change from a sensor frame.
void UpdateFrame (const scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > &sf, T delta)
 Update the sensor frame to a new frame.
void UpdateFrame (const scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > &sf)
 Update the sensor frame to a new frame.
void UpdateAngularOrientation (const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &gyro, T delta)
 Update the sensor frame with a gyroscope reading.
void UpdateAngularOrientation (const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &gyro)
 Update the sensor frame with a gyroscope reading.
scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > Euler ()
 Retrieve a vector of the Euler angles in ZYX Orientation.
void DeltaT (T newDeltaT)
 Set the default Δt.
DeltaT ()
 Retrieve the estimation's current ΔT.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >

Madgwick implements an efficient Orientation estimation for Intertial Measurement Units (IMUs).

Madgwick is a novel Orientation estimation applicable to IMUs consisting of tri-Axis gyroscopes and accelerometers, and MARG sensor arrays that also include tri-Axis magnetometers. The MARG implementation incorporates magnetic distortionand gyroscope bias drift compensation.

It is described in the paper An efficient Orientation estimation for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays.

Template Parameters
TA floating point type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Madgwick() [1/3]

template<typename T >
scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::Madgwick ( )

The Madgwick estimation is initialised with an identity MakeQuaternion.

◆ Madgwick() [2/3]

template<typename T >
scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::Madgwick ( scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 >  sf)

The Madgwick estimation is initialised with a sensor frame.

sfA sensor frame; if zero, the sensor frame will be initialised as an identity MakeQuaternion.

◆ Madgwick() [3/3]

template<typename T >
scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::Madgwick ( scmp::geom::Quaternion< T >  sf)

Initialise the estimation with a sensor frame MakeQuaternion.

sfA MakeQuaternion representing the current Orientation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AngularRate()

template<typename T >
scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::AngularRate ( const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &  gyro) const

Return the estimation's rate of angular change from a sensor frame.

Return the rate of change of the Orientation of the earth frame with respect to the sensor frame.

gyroA three-dimensional vector containing gyro readings as w_x, w_y, w_z.
A MakeQuaternion representing the rate of angular change.

◆ DeltaT() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::DeltaT ( )

Retrieve the estimation's current ΔT.

The current value the estimation will default to using if no time delta is provided.

◆ DeltaT() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::DeltaT ( newDeltaT)

Set the default Δt.

This must be explicitly called before calling any method which uses the estimation's internal Δt.
newDeltaTThe time delta to use when no time delta is provided.

◆ Euler()

template<typename T >
scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::Euler ( )

Retrieve a vector of the Euler angles in ZYX Orientation.

A vector of Euler angles as <ψ, θ, ϕ>.

◆ Orientation()

template<typename T >
scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::Orientation ( ) const

Return the current orientation as measured by the estimation.

The current sensor frame.

◆ UpdateAngularOrientation() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::UpdateAngularOrientation ( const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &  gyro)

Update the sensor frame with a gyroscope reading.

If no Δt is provided, the estimation's default is used.

The default Δt must be explicitly set using DeltaT before calling this.
gyroA three-dimensional vector containing gyro readings as w_x, w_y, w_z.

◆ UpdateAngularOrientation() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::UpdateAngularOrientation ( const scmp::geom::Vector< T, 3 > &  gyro,

Update the sensor frame with a gyroscope reading.

This method will assert that the Δt value is not zero within a 100μs tolerance. This assert is compiled out with the compile flag NDEBUG, but may be useful to catch possible errors.

gyroA three-dimensional vector containing gyro readings as w_x, w_y, w_z.
deltaThe time step between readings. It must not be zero.

◆ UpdateFrame() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::UpdateFrame ( const scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > &  sf)

Update the sensor frame to a new frame.

The estimation's default Δt must be set before calling this.
sfThe new sensor frame replacing the previous one.

◆ UpdateFrame() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void scmp::estimation::Madgwick< T >::UpdateFrame ( const scmp::geom::Quaternion< T > &  sf,

Update the sensor frame to a new frame.

sfThe new sensor frame replacing the previous one.
deltaThe time delta since the last update.

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