scsl 1.0.1
Shimmering Clarity Standard Library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NscmpShimmering Clarity Math & Physics toolkit
 NestimationAlgorithms for estimation position, and system state
 CMadgwickMadgwick implements an efficient Orientation estimation for Intertial Measurement Units (IMUs)
 NgeomGeometry-related code
 CPoint2DPoint2D is a cartesian (X,Y) pairing
 CPolar2DPolar2D is a pairing of a radius r and angle θ from some reference point; in this library, it is assumed to be the Cartesian origin (0, 0)
 CQuaternionQuaternions provide a representation of Orientation and rotations in three dimensions
 CVectorVectors represent a direction and Magnitude
 NscslScsl is the top-level namespace containing all the code in this library
 NTLVTag-length-value record tooling
 CRecordTag-length-value record with single byte tags and lengths
 CArenaFixed, pre-allocated memory
 CBufferBasic line buffer
 CCommanderSubcommander manager for programs
 CDictionaryKey-value store on top of Arena and TLV::Record
 CFlagIndividual command-line flag
 CFlagsBasic facility for processing command line flags
 CFlagValueFlagValue holds the value of a command line flag
 CSimpleConfigSimpleConfig is a basic configuration for projects
 CSubcommandSubcommands used by Commander
 NsctestShimmering Clarity testing library
 CAssertionFailedAssertionFailed indicates that some invariant didn't hold
 CNotImplementedException reserved for unsupported platforms
 CReportA Report holds test run results
 CSimpleSuiteSimpleSuite is a test-running harness for simple tests
 CUnitTestUnitTest describes a single unit test