scsl 1.0.1
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scsl::Flags Class Reference

Basic facility for processing command line flags. More...

#include <Flags.h>

Public Types

enum class  ParseStatus : uint8_t {
  Unknown = 0 , OK = 1 , EndOfFlags = 2 , NotRegistered = 3 ,
  NotEnoughArgs = 4

Public Member Functions

 Flags (std::string fName)
 Flags (std::string fName, std::string fDescription)
 ~Flags ()
bool Register (std::string fName, FlagType fType, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, bool defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, int defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, unsigned int defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, size_t defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, std::string defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
bool Register (std::string fName, const char *defaultValue, std::string fDescription)
size_t Size ()
 Return the number of registered flags.
FlagLookup (std::string fName)
bool ValueOf (std::string fName, FlagValue &value)
 ValueOf returns the value of the flag in the.
ParseStatus Parse (int argc, char **argv, bool skipFirst=true)
void Usage (std::ostream &os, int exitCode)
 Print a usage message to the output stream.
size_t NumArgs ()
std::vector< std::string > Args ()
 Return the arguments as a vector.
std::string Arg (size_t index)
bool GetBool (std::string fName, bool &flagValue)
bool GetUnsignedInteger (std::string fName, unsigned int &flagValue)
bool GetInteger (std::string fName, int &flagValue)
bool GetString (std::string fName, std::string &flagValue)
bool GetSizeT (std::string fName, std::size_t &flagValue)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string ParseStatusToString (ParseStatus status)

Detailed Description

Basic facility for processing command line flags.

Any remaining arguments after the args are added to the parser as arguments that can be accessed with NumArgs, Args, and Arg.

The parser automatically handles the -h and –help flags by calling Usage(std::cout, 0). The user can override this flag and handle providing help on their own.

Arguments are named with their leading dash, e.g. "-f". For example,

flags.Register("-f", FlagType::String, "Path to a configuration file.");
@ String


A short example program is below:

main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string server = "";
unsigned int port = 1234;
auto flags = new scsl::Flags("example-client",
"This interacts with the service.");
flags->Register("-p", port, "server port");
flags->Register("-s", server, "hostname to connect to");
auto status = flags->Parse(argc, argv);
if (status != ParseStatus::OK) {
std::cerr << "failed to parse flags: "
<< "\n";
auto wasSet = flags->GetString("-s", server);
if (wasSet) {
std::cout << "hostname override: " << server << "\n";
wasSet = flags->GetUnsignedInteger("-p", port);
if (wasSet) {
std::cout << "port override: " << port << "\n";
std::cout << "connecting to " << server << ":" << port << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < flags.NumArgs(); i++) {
std::cout << "\tExecuting command " << flags.Arg(i) << "\n";
return 0;
Basic facility for processing command line flags.
Definition Flags.h:133
@ OK
Parsing succeeded.
static std::string ParseStatusToString(ParseStatus status)

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ParseStatus

enum class scsl::Flags::ParseStatus : uint8_t

ParseStatus describes the result of parsing command-line arguments.


An unknown parsing error occurred. This is a bug, and users should never see this.


Parsing succeeded.


This is an internal status marking the end of command line flags.


The command line flag provided isn't registered.


Not enough arguments were provided to a flag that takes an argument. For example, if "-p" expects a number, and the program was called with just ./program -p, this error will be reported.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Flags() [1/2]

scsl::Flags::Flags ( std::string  fName)

Create a new flags parser for the named program.

fNameThe program name,

◆ Flags() [2/2]

scsl::Flags::Flags ( std::string  fName,
std::string  fDescription 

Create a new flags parser for the named program.

fNameThe program name.
fDescriptionA short description of the program.

◆ ~Flags()

scsl::Flags::~Flags ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Arg()

std::string scsl::Flags::Arg ( size_t  index)

Return a particular argument.

indexThe argument number to extract.
The argument At index i. If the index is greater than the number of arguments present, an out_of_range exception is thrown.

◆ Args()

std::vector< std::string > scsl::Flags::Args ( )

Return the arguments as a vector.

◆ GetBool()

bool scsl::Flags::GetBool ( std::string  fName,
bool &  flagValue 

Retrieve the state of a boolean flag.

fNameThe flag to look up.
flagValueThe value to store.
True if the value was set, or false if the value isn't a boolean or if it wasn't set.

◆ GetInteger()

bool scsl::Flags::GetInteger ( std::string  fName,
int &  flagValue 

Retrieve the value of an integer flag.

fNameThe flag to look up.
flagValueThe value to store.
True if the value was set, or false if the value isn't an integer or if it wasn't set.

◆ GetSizeT()

bool scsl::Flags::GetSizeT ( std::string  fName,
std::size_t &  flagValue 

Retrieve the value of a size_t flag.

fNameThe flag to look up.
flagValueThe value to store.
True if the value was set, or false if the value isn't a size_t or if it wasn't set.

◆ GetString()

bool scsl::Flags::GetString ( std::string  fName,
std::string &  flagValue 

Retrieve the value of a string flag.

fNameThe flag to look up.
flagValueThe value to store.
True if the value was set, or false if the value isn't a string or if it wasn't set.

◆ GetUnsignedInteger()

bool scsl::Flags::GetUnsignedInteger ( std::string  fName,
unsigned int &  flagValue 

Retrieve the value of an unsigned integer flag.

fNameThe flag to look up.
flagValueThe value to store.
True if the value was set, or false if the value isn't an unsigned integer or if it wasn't set.

◆ Lookup()

Flag * scsl::Flags::Lookup ( std::string  fName)

Lookup a flag.

fNameThe flag name.
A pointer to flag if registered, or nullptr if the flag wasn't registered.

◆ NumArgs()

size_t scsl::Flags::NumArgs ( )

Return the number of arguments processed. These are any remaining elements in argv that are not flags.

◆ Parse()

ParseStatus scsl::Flags::Parse ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
bool  skipFirst = true 

Process a list of arguments into flags.

argcThe number of arguments.
argvThe arguments passed to the program.
skipFirstFlags expects to receive arguments directly from those passed to main, and defaults to skipping the first argument. Set to false if this is not the case.

◆ ParseStatusToString()

static std::string scsl::Flags::ParseStatusToString ( ParseStatus  status)

ParseStatusToString returns a string message describing the result of parsing command line args.

◆ Register() [1/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
bool  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new boolean command line flag with a default value.

For booleans, it only makes sense to pass a false default value, as there is no way to set a boolean flag to false. This form is provided for compatibility with the other variants on this method.
fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [2/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
const char *  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new string command line flag with a default value.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [3/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
FlagType  fType,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new command line flag.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
fTypeThe type of the argument to parse.
fDescriptionA description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [4/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
int  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new integer command line flag with a default value.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [5/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
size_t  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new size_t command line flag with a default value.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [6/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
std::string  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new string command line flag with a default value.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Register() [7/7]

bool scsl::Flags::Register ( std::string  fName,
unsigned int  defaultValue,
std::string  fDescription 

Register a new unsigned integer command line flag with a default value.

fNameThe name of the flag, including a leading dash.
defaultValueThe default value for the flag.
fDescriptionA short description of the flag.
True if the flag was registered, false if the flag could not be registered (e.g. a duplicate flag was registered).

◆ Size()

size_t scsl::Flags::Size ( )

Return the number of registered flags.

◆ Usage()

void scsl::Flags::Usage ( std::ostream &  os,
int  exitCode 

Print a usage message to the output stream.

◆ ValueOf()

bool scsl::Flags::ValueOf ( std::string  fName,
FlagValue value 

ValueOf returns the value of the flag in the.

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